上帝刻的浮雕  史上第一個情人節禮物 ( 油畫 ) 10號油畫 45x50cm

God Sculpture


  上帝刻的浮雕  史上第一個情人節禮物 ( 油畫 ) 10號油畫 45x50cm  2011年



美洲在地球上如一位伸著脖子的少男 ( 亞當 ) 用手 ( 南美洲 ) 吹口哨,

歐洲、亞洲、非洲、合起來如少女 (夏娃)  拿著金蘋果 (澳洲)  用小指勾著自己髮捲。


如此,上帝將五大洲大型雕塑 (亞當、夏娃) 刻在三大洋上,




Relief carved by God

The first Valentine gift in the history

This is the map of the world  

Americas on earth is like the boy Adam, extending his neck and whistling with his hand of South America.

Europe, Asia and Africa, all combined together, is like the girl Eve, holding the golden apple of Australia with her little finger curling her own hair.    

So, God carves a large-scaled sculpture of five continents (Adam and Eve) on three huge oceans.

It displays the live style forever, with abundant fantasy, history, legends and stories.

What do you say?

How do you think about ?


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